Karen Pleskus 2 months ago

I've written for years but, with chronic migraine and raising kids, it became more 'thoughts' than words on the page. After joining the Romance Writers of Australia my desire to write, have my manuscript in a state to submit and enter competitions was burning. I just wasn't able to be as productive as I wanted to be. I knew I needed to carve out time in my busy life - others could - why couldn't I? And so this course...

As well as the course, it really was the 30-day bootcamp that propelled me into the space I'm in now. I'm making time to write and it's paying off. I was travelling through Tasmania with my family during this bootcamp and it forced me to 'find' the time to write/plan to write, despite our busy schedule. I learnt that I CAN write with the family in the same room as me. I could also escape to a quiet spot to write and while in the passenger seat of the car I could plan by scribbling in my notebook.

Writing 'is' the priority in my life now. I even have an author website!

I recommend this course ALL THE TIME to writers who say they can't find the time to write / wish they could write more and more often. It was these two courses that made me prioritise my writing. They changed my writing life.

Helen Kamphuis 4 months ago

I have had the aspiration to write for a long time. I have wanted to write about loss since 2011. It never happened till I signed up for a course last November. But excuses seem to be my motto. Procrastination is another. So this course seemed the right one to re-start with.

I enjoyed realising my goal might be achievable. I'm convinced that I can start. It doesn't have to be perfect.

Annaleise Byrd 9 months ago

I enjoyed the motivational soundbites and hearing the relevant parts of lots of author interviews one after the other.

The bonus 30-Day Bootcamp helped me during the (already contracted) draft I was working on when I enrolled in this course a year ago. That draft is now completed and the structural edit done!

AWC courses are well worth the time and money!

Leonie Crewther 1 year ago

I am a procrastinator, so was hoping for strategies to be motivated. I enjoyed hearing what successful writers do.

I think for me, the course helped me recognise that the time spent thinking or dreaming about the project is part of the work and can be important to moving forward. Also, making the most of the time you have. I have a 20-minute commute to and from work. I now have ideas of how better to use that time rather than playing a game on my phone.

There is lots to gain in hearing from successful writers. The app and book recommendations are very useful.

Holly Slinger 1 year ago

I enjoyed hearing how other authors make it work, and their different approaches. It reminded me that even authors who have multiple published books still have to work to fit writing in, and not many actually write full time.

Definitely try an AWC course. There is such a wide range of different courses available, as soon as I finish one, I can't help looking for what's next.

Carmel Betts 1 year ago

I enjoyed the different writers' thoughts; gave me a different perspective about finding time to write. It's made me aware that I've made a commitment to myself to continue to write. Even just thinking about what you're writing takes time and is just as important as the act of writing.

Don't stuff around; if you're thinking about writing, then just do it!

Debra 1 year ago

Great course. Easy to understand. All useful information that can be put to use straight away. Learnt lots from other writers and great tools to use.

Showed me the importance of making time to write and it can be done with planning and discipline.

I have to make time on a regular basis. Just get started!!!

Alison Clifford 1 year ago

After doing this course, I'm inspired to write. I've set a timetable each day (morning) to make sure I get my words down and I no longer find myself stalling or getting overwhelmed by the idea of writing.

The truths about writing were so comforting. I was doubting whether I really wanted to write again, but hearing that the thoughts in my head were normal really helped clarify my desire to write.

Penny Flannery 3 years ago

I wanted to get back into writing after not writing for a long time.

The boot camp was wonderful. Having to write a certain number of words a day really stretched my writing. I realised it is just that easy to sit down and write. It's true if you have words on the page they trigger thoughts and feelings. You can then go through what you have written and can see how characters have developed and where the writing is heading.

I've written 10,000 words of a novel I never thought that I would start. It is just a starting point but l've been impressed with what I've accomplished. I can't get the characters out of my head and feel that I need to write every day now.

Jacqui Nicholson 3 years ago

Life is a juggling act. I thought this might help with my issue of only doing one thing which is I either edit or write.

I enjoyed the interviews with different writers and how they do it. The information on different writing tools was fabulous too.

It has taught me I can juggle multiple writing tasks as well as being a mum and running a business.

I don’t have to write 1000- 2000 words a day. The important thing is I keep the momentum going and write something every day.

Andrea Wilson 4 years ago

I liked hearing how the other authors manage to balance their jobs and families while finding time to write. It made me change my thinking and realise I am not the only busy person who wants to write. It made me examine my own time and strategies that would work for me.

I am actually writing again. My husband has overheard parts and I think he fully understands his role in helping this to happen!

If you 're having trouble getting started writing, take this course!

Natalie Devlin 4 years ago

I wanted to do this course to give myself a kick up the butt and write more. I just needed advice and some helpful tools to assist me as I have a busy and stressful job and family life.

I really enjoyed the course. I now have more words on more pages and am working on something I'm enjoying. I now write almost every day, whether it is 200 words or a couple of paragraphs or a page, I can do it. I've also managed to find time in a busy day to fit writing in.

One major learning moment was using tools I already have access to (Google suite) but tweaking their use. And how successful people overcame challenges similar to mine. It was inspiring to know I'm not alone.

Valerie Miller 4 years ago

I have learnt so much and feel empowered about fitting writing in my life. I have just spent the last 30 days completing the extra Writing Bootcamp course and I am now writing every day, engaged and committed.


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