MARIA PARENTI 1 month ago

I enjoyed having an expert help me to improve my manuscript through their guidance and suggestions, especially when I'm not experienced enough to work out how.

The tutor was excellent. Fabulous. Knowledgeable. Knows what works and what doesn't.

I like seeing how other writers have grown through the process of feedback by others and tutor. I like seeing everyone on Zoom. It makes it real. I like the diverse questions, which I hadn't considered. I like the diverse suggestions to improve my manuscript when I was at a loss, but then after tutor feedback especially small changes make a difference in giving me confidence in myself.

Seeing me improving over numerous courses, helps me believe in myself.

The AWC courses are back by a truckload of experts in their field.

Lucinda Doughty 1 month ago

Pamela is wonderful. The feedback she gave me nearly always hit the nail right on the head for what needed to be addressed in that submission. The zoom sessions with her were also brilliant - being able to ask questions and bounce things off her is fantastic, given her incredible experience and depth of knowledge both of writing and the industry as a whole.

I love the Discord chat! Also the zoom sessions.

I finished a first draft of a novel. Even if it is never published, I wrote a book, and I think that is pretty profound. I have hopefully found a writing group (thank you for setting up Discord!) that will help me moving forward also.

I have recommended it, many times! The AWC courses are worth the investment. Getting feedback from experienced industry professionals is invaluable, especially if you are writing commercial and genre fiction - what we learned in school doesn't begin to help us with this type of writing.

Just thank you to Pamela. She's amazing. I learnt so much and had so much fun.

Barbara Norris 1 month ago

I've enjoyed the course and Charlotte's feedback on every student's assignments, including my own.

The course is informative and, as it progressed, there was information that I was able to review and incorporate into my own writing and story.

There were many 'aha' moments that I've incorporated into my own writing, and it's made my story flow. Thank you.

Shayne Sommer 1 month ago

Louisa is very well versed in the genre and enthusiastically delivers the course. She provided knowledegeable and implementable feedback to all participants.

Louisa's delivery of the course was passionate and that made things fun. Being able to do exercises as a group was a lot of fun too.

I'm now clearer on specific areas of crime/thriller writing and that everyone has to 'get their words out' - it won't be perfect the first time, and even seasoned writers have 'first drafts'.

Great to interact with Louisa and the other course participants.

Thank you for a well run course, materials and zoom details always worked, Louisa always knew what we were going to cover and kept things moving. Learned a lot, I have a lot to do, and know my steps forward from here.

Raja Karuppiah 1 month ago

It's like exploring a new thing. Each Sunday at midnight, I used to open the new module and check all the titles that we were going to learn in that module.

It made me understand how picture books are created and its various aspects. With my little illustration skills, I tried to create a picture book.

There are so many 'aha!' moments throughout the course. For example, learning Approaches to Illustration is an 'aha!' moment, learning Visual Literacy is an 'aha!' moment, learning about the storyboard template, and so on. All the Modules are 'aha!'

Beth Warren 1 month ago

I learned some key features for importing Word documents and creating scenes that I wish I'd known earlier!

I now have a more structured approach to creating my manuscript in Scrivener and better use of some of the features.

It's always worth spending the time (and money) to make sure that you're using the software in the most efficient way. It will save you time in the long run!

Kirsty Windeyer 1 month ago

I had completed Novel Writing Essentials and I wanted to get a complete first draft of my novel. I work well with deadlines etc. I was also attracted by the tutor feedback as well as workshopping.

The tutor was very experienced and helpful. Her feedback seemed spot on and direct which I really appreciated. Her expertise shone through.

The most enjoyable part was typing The End and submitting a rough, but done, first draft. I can't believe that! I loved the course - everything about it - the participants were great and supportive and I really, really appreciated Pamela's feedback.

The fact that I have a first draft has shown me that I can do it and I think I can get my novel to publishable standard. That is gold.

Huge thanks. The course was fabulous and very worthwhile.

Tanya Motiani 1 month ago

I enjoyed the readings (love your voice Valerie!!! - huge fan of the podcast) and the way Kate analysed them and showed by example the meaning behind her lessons.

I did the course primarily to make sure I was adhering to the basic structure and plot 'beats' for writing historical fiction and magic realism. There was so much information and Kate's professional tips that I know I can inject into my second novel so that it might make it across the line re publishing.

I would say there were several 'Aha!' moments in each and every one of the five modules. I can say, however, if this is helpful, that each of the modules (two of which were not at all genres I write in and, as such, I had wrongly presumed would not shed any light on my learning) gave me those moments of profound insight, revelation, and 'Ohhh - I get it' epiphanies which was incredibly gratifying and worthwhile.

Go on the website and look for yourself - there will DEFINITELY be something there of interest, yes, but also of incredible benefit for your own writing.

Daniel Young 1 month ago

I felt Louisa was very knowledgeable of the genre, and keen to share that with the students.

I enjoyed the exercises and homework assignments.

I found most of it very useful. It made me confident that when I do eventually try to write a crime/thriller novel, I will be strong in some areas of it.

Pam Cramer 1 month ago

I enjoyed the clear instructions, the excellent content, Valerie's clear diction (has she ever thought of reading an audio book?)

AWC is very comprehensive in what they cover and it is well presented and easy to follow.

Ryan J 1 month ago

I enjoyed the online videos from Bernadette. They were easy to follow and delivered pleasantly.

I enjoyed the assignments. I like that we had to apply the skills we were taught about and create our own copy from it.

It has given me a new boost of energy to write more and hone my skills as well as got me excited about pursuing copywriting as a side hustle for now and then hopefully a career in the future.

I like how the course kept it simple and didn't try to overcomplicate things. I kept this in mind each time I was writing my assignments and it made things a lot more fun. This is the approach I plan to take as I move forward with writing.

Check out AWC as the courses are not overwhelming, you'll have fun as you learn and you'll come away with valuable skills and a revived energy to go hard out towards your writing goals.

Karen Uttien 1 month ago

I enjoyed all of it. It was exactly what I was after.

I've no doubt it will make writing and editing (especially editing!) my next novel wayyyyy easier

AWC deliver exactly what you say. The self-paced 12-month access is ideal. Plus the option to extend for another year for a cut fee. I've loved all the courses I've done so far!

Judy Rossignuolo 1 month ago

I enjoyed the challenge of being able to follow the guidelines as given in the course.

It gave me ideas about writing, confirming some of what I was already doing. Also, it helped to confirm that short stories is definitely the way I want to go.

I have found the course very useful. I especially like courses where you get constructive feedback of your work.

Sonia 1 month ago

I recently worked with a copywriter who provided such a great service to the organisation that I work for - I thought, “I want to learn how to do that.''

Glad I signed on because it has been excellent. Both Bernadette and Mark have been great and I enjoyed learning more about copywriting.

I think Bernadette's presentation style is excellent. Her experience and passion for the subject matter is apparent, plus she really cares that you understand and enjoy learning too.

Mark's feedback videos were great and I definitely learnt a lot by going through the full feedback videos. He also had a great presence on screen.

I liked that the assignments helped consolidate my learning per module but they weren't arduous. It was just the right amount of work for my time poor schedule.

I think I want this to be the next step in my professional journey. I'm a bit obsessed actually.

Laura Fulton 1 month ago

I was excited about having a deadline, a community of writers to work with and the expertise of an instructor.

Pamela did a great job. Very helpful. She delivered exactly what the course promised.

I most enjoyed collaborating with the other writers, most especially The Sapphires in our final group.

My two biggest takeaways were the idea of the "head, heart, body" and keeping the scene focused on the visible action.

I'm glad I did this course.

Jenna 1 month ago

This was such a great course and I liked the breakdown of it. I learned so much in bite sized chunks; it was amazing.

Just take a leap of faith - these courses are amazing!

Vanessa Welsh 1 month ago

I enjoyed discovering the amazing range of authors and illustrators! Understanding the differences between picture books, chapter books and middle reader books.

The course sparked an interest in pursuing writing for the 6-9 year old age bracket.
It has also given me guidance to attempt writing picture books.

The course is a great stepping stone and enables you to find the age bracket you're interested in.

Christine Leonard 1 month ago

I'm writing a biography at the moment and drawn to non-fiction, not just memoirs. I wanted to better understand structure and how to make a story interesting that isn't about trauma or dramatic events

I thought the structure of the modules very helpful and logical. Offering videos and interviews of authors was terrific, especially as they all fit the genre

The audio modules were great for matching up with the handouts. The course offers flexibility, which I needed. It's a very good course and Valarie's voice is also easy to listen to.

The structure and narrative arcs were areas I need to pay more attention to. I will revise that module as well as the one about characterisation

It's very comprehensive and self-paced, makes for a perfect match for people who say they are time-poor.

Laura 1 month ago

It was a well curated course; a lot to cover of course so I will still need a lot of time to process the tools and tips and find what and how to use the tools. I think Grant talked about this mentality well too.

I enjoyed Grant's presentation style - he was friendly and open to learning new things.

Since it was online, I was able to run my own prompts in real time on my computer to test things out as Grant explained them.

I've used AI for several tasks in the days following - not so much for business writing but getting my life admin done in a much more enjoyable way. I think the course also helped crystallise a clearer project management workflow for me that leverages AI for any task, again, not limited to writing.

Consulting demands being a project manager with AI as your colleague. I liked the way Grant showed a task with 'jobs to be done' and allocating them between himself and AI.

Nicole Inder 1 month ago

I have been writing in other genres and felt more and more drawn to Romance, and wanted to make sure I do the genre justice.

The biggest takeaway would be that I discovered the book I have been writing is not in fact a romance, it has romantic elements. That's probably why I've been struggling to connect with it and trying to force it to be something it's not.

The course has steered me in the direction that I want to go with my writing. My first (unpublished) book is contemporary fantasy with no romance, the second I've been writing is paranormal mystery with romantic elements, and the third that I have now started while doing this course is capital R romance. I feel like I've finally found my voice and that feels pretty amazing.

The resources are excellent and the AWC is very receptive to feedback and the customer support I have had when needed has been superb.


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