What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
I wanted to expand on the freelance writing skills course and write about my travels.
Valerie is an amazing tutor with a wealth of knowledge, who provides very specific targeted feedback. This is incredibly helpful.
I enjoyed learning how to describe my travels in a commercially viable writing format. I feel equipped to be able to pitch articles to publications with confidence. Now I just have to do it!
Excellent quality of both content and teaching, intensely packed with useful information.
I have an interest in travelling throughout Australia and I wanted to learn a change of writing style to gain flexibility.
Valerie is down-to-earth and honest, but also approachable and encouraging. I learnt a lot about travel that I never knew: Pitch, hook, and angle.
Just do it if that's your passion!
I thought the specifics in term of instructions, explanations and examples were fabulous. The tutor was brilliant. So much knowledge. I found learning about the process in such a chatty style entertaining and enlightening.
I actually loved the process of evaluating the way other travel writers had tackled the task.
I knew the time was going to be pressured and I struggled to keep pace, but I'm so glad I pushed myself to do it. I now have a lot more strategy to my vague idea that this is something I could now do.
I enjoyed the flexibility and the bite-sized learning modules. I feel empowered that I can actually do this...I know I am still learning but I am confident to call myself a freelance writer now.
The Travel Writing course reinforced many of the underlying principles I learnt in the Freelance Writing course earlier in the year. But as this course is purely about travel writing it really made me focus my attention on looking for even better angles to fit with this genre. Just practising the craft - analysing, writing and pitching - in a safe environment has been, along with the excellent feedback from Valerie, really confidence building.
Over the last few weeks I've noticed a new habit: when I'm out and about - walks or hikes with friends, exploring somewhere new, visiting a museum or new micro-brewery - I'm asking myself: "Is there a story in this?" or "This is interesting, where's the angle?"
The AWC offers a really good framework for budding writers. You are guided supportively by some great tutors. Week by week they build on very well-structured lessons with great advice, examples and feedback that helps build skills and confidence. I have learnt tons from the AWC courses.
Anything is possible i.e. becoming a freelance or travel writer. Trust the process, do the homework, listen to the tutors, and I'll get there!
Valerie is an incredible tutor and so knowledgeable about the ins and outs of travel writing. Every piece of her feedback and insights were invaluable.
I enjoyed writing the assignments, having creative freedom to run with an idea. The planning, the research, the writing and receiving the feedback on all the work within the class.
I think for a short 5-week course, it covers everything and is delivered in the most efficient way. It has given me the confidence and motivation to pursue my travel writing, feeling ready and equipped to write more stories and approach editors.
It is an absolute game changer. Excellent value. Prepare to learn a lot in a short time, within a fantastic and supportive community.
I loved the course. It was super professional and very well run. I have done some online courses before and was not impressed. They put me off online courses whereas this one has made me want to do more online courses with AWC.
The tutor was very professional. Very knowledgeable. Very passionate. Gave very honest, helpful feedback.
I enjoyed doing the assignments the most. And being able to see the work of others and listen to their feedback also was extremely helpful and enjoyable.
It has encouraged me to do more courses, and to do more writing...
Very professionally run courses which are very informative and make online learning fun and personal! Getting the feedback directly by seeing the lecturer on screen is awesome.
Overall, an excellent experience which I will be doing again!
Travel writing is something I have been interested in for years and what better time to do some study than when I am in lockdown.
I looked forward to the feedback each week [hearing everyone's feedback] - this is what makes the course so special.
I enjoyed the satisfaction of actually writing an article.
I feel confident that I could write an article and pitch it to a publication.
Go for it. If you want to achieve something in the writing field, these courses help you get there.
I am about to retire and we are buying a camper trailer to spend time in regional centres. I notice that there is little information for older women who are travelling in this way and yet it is a big potential audience. And there is a strange perception that these women are a bit dim and dull just because they wear tracky daks. Not sure about the 'market' though.
It was an excellent course. And applicable to generic skills too, I think. The tutor was very talented and skilled. I enjoyed the inspirational writing as well as practical tips and examples.
I recognise that my writing (if it eventuates) will focus on the small details that make life absurd. I think I can make people laugh - no not laugh, a perceptive grin maybe. So I will think about a blog or some such. Just for fun. Maybe something will come out of that once I get the genre right.
Sue gave great feedback, keeping her comments upbeat and positive. I always looked forward to reading her feedback.
It's achievable to complete in the time given. The content is very interesting and you walk away with tools to achieve your travel writing dreams.
I now have direction and motivation to start writing my travel book.
Thank you, Sue, for your feedback and encouragement. Thoroughly enjoyed this course.
I was excited to learn from professionals working in the field. I thought Sue provided constructive criticism as well as positive encouragement. Great for someone like me who is just starting out.
I liked the structure of listening to the modules, completing the assignments and reading the feedback. I looked forward to learning something new each week.
It has encouraged me and given me confidence to pursue freelance writing as a career.
I really enjoyed this course and see this as the beginning of my journey. It's also made me realise how much I have to learn. I am keen to continue my education.
If you are interested in writing as a profession, AWC will give you the knowledge that will help you get into the industry.
The tutor was helpful & honest with their feedback & advice! Really appreciated the support over the last 5 weeks. And the assignments each week - it was exciting to research the variety of destinations.
With more practice, I am determined to get this travel writing right. I plan to complete more courses with AWC.
Highly recommend this course for the amazing support & advice provided by the teachers. If travel is your passion, what a great way to learn how to communicate this to the world!
I was interested in documenting my travels and seeking further information about the possibility of publishing them.
I thought the content of the course was terrific and the minimal feedback was positive.