What’s it like to learn with AWC?
Each year, thousands of students just like you achieve their writing goals through our courses and world-class presenters. Here they share how their new-found skills and confidence enriched their life.
Everything is presented in a way that is uncomplicated and easy to absorb. I'm re-working my writing and trying to apply the principles each time. Love the simplicity of the presentations and the depth of information.
The Focus On series is short bites that I can manage in a sitting and go through several times if needed. Life sometimes gets in the way, illness and a house move. The 12-month period gives me a chance to apply what I am learning to what I am writing.
Thank you for making the courses enjoyable.
If you want to improve your writing, Australian Writers' Centre has a course for you.
I love how Pamela's sense of humour and enthusiasm come across when she talks about writing.
The seminar reminded me that characters must interact with that world to prevent info-dumping. The world you build is a character in the story.
Don't hesitate. AWC courses are well worth it.
Resources and content in the MR course are immediately actionable. Valerie delivers in a no nonsense and highly knowledgeable manner.
Enriched my understanding and appreciation of the diversity of writing forms.
AWC offers value, excellence and relevance!
Brilliant. So much detail and practical advice. THANK YOU!
The examples were excellent, and the handouts were really useful. I think I will go back to them again and again.
I have been able to finish editing my first novel! Huzzah! After writing a first draft a couple of years ago, I knew there was a big gap between what it was and where I wanted it to be but I wasn't sure how to get there.
Writing out the scene list immediately helped me see a bunch of problems.
Save yourself a bunch of time wriggling your way through the dark (on your own) and just do it!
There were a lot more AI tools than what I was aware and the course certainly expanded my horizons in terms of the tools and some of the challenges but more importantly, the great resources and links that were collated to get started in this domain and start on a more in-depth learning pathway.
The presenter was very knowledgeable and relatable (human) - took us through an extraordinary plethora of information in a cohesive manner with good pace and momentum. Amazingly informative and enjoyable prompting expansive thinking for workplace (and other place) writing tasks to be carried out much more efficiently and opens up a whole gamut of new ideas for content. Simply amazing!
I enjoyed learning more on AI - what can be done and what templates and tools you can use to enhance content. Learning to get AI to do the hard yards to enable me to focus more on critical and strategic thinking skills. I loved the frameworks of thinking and the phrasing for prompts (love the term 'prompt engineer').
I am thinking of new ways to use AI to improve my writing tasks and productivity.
Absolutely fantastic well-researched, credible resources to set you on an informed pathway.
Thank you!
I got even more from the course than I expected - the Pamela Freeman session was also a real bonus.
The tutor was very encouraging and supportive.
I enjoyed the pace and progress of the course and the practical writing assignments. Given me more confidence and a greater understanding of the writing process.
You will make real practical progress really quickly.
I found the information easy to understand and utilise for a variety of story ideas. This course is great for new writers (I found it extremely beneficial).
Highly recommend doing this course and any other AWC course.
The detail and clarity in the course material was exceptional. The course really speaks to the debut author and answers all the questions they will have.
Before the course, I believed in my book. Now, I believe in myself to be a better salesman for my book.
AWC courses are clearly well-developed and focused on helping each student achieve their personal goals in writing.
This course covered many things that I needed to know in detail. I enjoyed finding out about research options, sourcing material, defamation pointers, and creating past worlds. It was very thorough.
I've done several AWC courses and have always learned a lot. They are targeted, well put together, and provide heaps of information to help you find your way.
Halfway through my first manuscript, I realised I'd need help on how to edit and shape it. The course outline ticked the boxes of my needs, with the bonus of doing it at my own pace around my schedule.
The Cut Shape Polish course provided an essential checklist with a process and templates to follow. Methodology and structure are important to me, and this course gave me confidence in spreadsheets I had already set up for my first manuscript, as well as crucial tools and skills to make it better. And better again!
I now have a tried and tested process to follow for future manuscripts. This course is a must-do!
I enjoyed the encouraging nature of the content e.g. interviews from writers about their journeys of writing their book, the fact that it was self paced.
When I was approaching the end of the content, I came to the realisation that my memoir is still an amazing story that needs to be told - however, in order to produce a book of the best quality, I have to be willing to accept that it needs major editing - and that is totally okay! It was definitely a big moment of epiphany for me.
The encouraging aspect of the course is what makes it differ to just googling advice online.
I have my first novel out on submission and have launched into my second novel - not the writing of it as yet, but the research, the brainstorming, and now the plotting and planning. I thought this time round I would try sticking to more formulaic approach as I wanted to make sure I was hitting all the marks (beats) to write a book with higher publishing and marketability prospects.
I enjoyed Kate herself and her encouragement. I also really appreciated her final comments about plotting and planning in a way that suits you - i.e. she grants flexibility. I loved the self-pace and knocked the course off in two weeks as an 'intensive'.
I also loved the 'connection' I felt with Kate with the video tutorials. Even though she was covering the same material as set out in the handouts, listening to her in a 'face-to-face' context made a lot of difference. These videos also served, for me, to reinforce and cement the learning better in my brain (as opposed to just straight out reading of the text on the handouts). Loved all the visuals too, especially the artwork - really got me in the groove.
I have a more solid methodical approach going forward with this second novel I am writing - as in, I feel more confident this time round that I am following the advice for plotting and planning from an absolute expert in the field (my books are also historical fiction).
An aha moment came when, by rereading and revisiting the relevant video tutorial, I finally understood Kate's Dramatic Arc (and 13-step hero's journey). It took me a bit to be able to apply the steps to the novel I am ready to start writing, but once I shifted this and that, and that and this, around, I actually 'got it' and this feeling was gratifying. I felt triumphant because the model was actually working for me in this book.
First of all, open the AWC website and TAKE A LOOK (this costs nothing). Then enrol in how ever many courses you can afford.
I would also recommend listening to the 600 odd episodes of the podcast (haha, I am still playing catch-up!). These are informative and inspiring, and I have learned so much without spending a cent through them.
I currently work as a Global Communications Manager for a global corporate travel management company and already do a lot of blog writing for the business on corporate travel trends, technology, thought leadership, sustainability etc. Sometimes it can be a little dry to write about and I would love to expand my horizons into the leisure side of travel and write about things I am more passionate about and see where it takes me. Even if I never do this full-time, it is still a good outlet and hobby and maybe something I do more of in my retirement years. Who knows!
Sometimes going to back to study can be hard work, but the format of this course was quite low-key and easy to digest. I did not find it overwhelming or stressful. I especially liked that the videos were short and straight to the point. Great for those of us with short attention spans.
It has just made me look at how I approach my writing at work and how it can be improved. Some of the templates have also been helpful and good to have more of an understanding of how publications operate and the art of a timely pitch.
For anyone passionate and interested in becoming a writer, this is an excellent place to start your career. You are learning from real-life experts who work in the field, backed by years of experience. You are listening to some of Australia's best!
The course not only provided me with excellent insight into the self-editing process for the book I had only recently completed, but it gave me tools to be mindful of with future writing. It also validated a lot that I was doing naturally, which was excellent for my confidence.
I enjoyed the analytical breakdown of story structure. I was surprised when I broke down my novel and it was very close to what was expected. However, the process made me realise that I had a (sub) character in my story that did not have a complete arc which led me to adding more chapters, which I think has helped my story considerably. The process made me think through the eyes of the all the characters, not just the one controlling the narrative.
I am new to all of this. My passion for writing has started late. I accept that this is a hobby, but I am certainly going to try to either get published or self-publish at some time in the future. The process of writing is escapism for me. Furious Fiction has helped me continue to write, even when the passion dies down a little.
If you have a passion for writing it is a worthwhile investment to take one of the courses AWC offers.

I've done a few courses with Pamela, and I find her presentations to be invaluable.
All the material given was easy to understand and clarified a few points for me. I feel that my skills as a writer are being honed.
Don't hesitate - AWC's courses are well worth investing time and money in your writing career.
I enjoyed all of it - very practical and insightful. A good mix of video, handouts and exercises.
It is important to really get to know all of your characters, including secondary characters, to strengthen dialogue.
The AWC courses are consistently worthwhile with quality content, flexible learning, and incredibly knowledgeable tutors.
I felt like Cathie knew the subject very well and was able to provide solid feedback.
What I enjoyed most was the different way you write compared to writing for an adult audience, which is what I'm more used to.
Do this course, it's fun.
The information given was easy to understand and, with the examples given, was relatable to the novel I am currently writing.
It clarified a few of the doubts I had about my writing.
Don't hesitate - the FOCUS ON series of workshops is affordable and essential to any writer's toolbox of knowledge.
Grant was great; he explained the concepts clearly with good examples.
Reframing the concept of editing as an important part of communication was very helpful. Previously, I viewed editing as either proofreading or just an exercise for pedantic anal people to hyper-fixate on rules. This course reframed that to think about it as an important component of communication.
The editing course explains many of the components of editing. You will take something away from it, whether it enhances your understanding of words and grammar, or it helps you think about editing as an essential component of communication.
Writing press releases and articles during my working life, I like the short story form with its similar structure of concise sentences and paragraphs.
I enjoyed finally writing and submitting the 2,500 word short story and, hopefully, having implemented all the lessons I'd learnt.
The course has got me back into writing. I used our caravan to be away from the house and not be tempted to put the washing on or make a cuppa. Hours sped by once I embarked on the actual short story.
The course was excellent but give yourself plenty of time to complete.