Nur Bano Ali 1 year ago

I have been meaning to write on how to help organisations recruit more women into leadership, and I thought this course was what I was waiting for, having undertaken three courses with AWC already.

The podcasts were so practical and relatable to my lifestyle. I am very motivated to complete this book for which I have 10,000 words already.

I am now on my way, firmly determined to complete my book on how businesses can recruit more women into leadership.

They know how to get you there so just go for it with AWC!

Anna Roberts 3 years ago

I had no idea I had so much to learn! The content was fascinating and so helpful.

Publishing has always been a mystery to me although I've often wondered about it. I feel like I just got all the answers.

If you've ever wondered about publishing your own book, do this course first! It's packed full of information that you don't realise you need to know. Excellent value for money.

Vivian Michael 3 years ago

I love the examples and author interviews. I purchased nearly every book discussed. I like the bite size format. This made it very easy to consume when I have tiny moments throughout the week available.

It has broken down what's commonly seen as daunting.

High-quality courses, designed for the busy professional in mind. Easy to fit into my schedule, skills for confidence and life, skills for income and improving your business. Grateful for AWC and will seek out more courses once I have finished those on my dashboard.

Jo Grofski 3 years ago

I wanted to write an eBook for my business, but wasn't sure where to start.

The variety of examples and case studies used throughout the course gave me some great ideas of what I could do for my book.

I've found that all I have to do is get started! The Bootcamp was especially helpful. Why have I waited so long to get started!

The AWC courses are very professional, with extremely experienced, friendly and helpful tutors. Worth the investment if you are serious about writing.


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